Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Time to take attendance!!!

Forgive me Hale,
I punched 'black hole' in the search and got this.
It feels like a couple of our 'kin' have gotten sucked into
some cyber black hole and are missed.

Jed, Huck and others, we miss you!
Hope you're ok,
ya 'all, we better check in.
I sure hope Lee Ent. didn't kidnap them
hoping for a huge ransom from us to keep themselves afloat!


  1. Here and not seeing stars, no meteor shower, not even a black hole... it is cloudy.

    I'm sure our friends are nearby; probably just temporarily occupied with other things. It is too hard to leave the JTI and go cold turkey. The friendship runs very deep.

  2. You know that caution thingy up at the top of our page is true...I had to take a little hiatus to perpend some things...but I'm back and I'm sure ya'll are happy about that...lol

  3. Of course, I knew that Mr. jedwis was OK all along.

  4. Sorry y'all, I see the Huckster Is on the JT. Don't worry though, It doesn't take long to overcome the loneliness. It's even worse than earlier over there. I did post on the Paul Ryan being 2nd to "Protesters" as Time Magazines, "Man of the Year" I couldn't help It. As I stated, It's perhaps the biggest contradiction I have ever read.

  5. per·pend
    a large stone passing through the entire thickness of a wall.

    Jed, were you passing kidney stones?

  6. Orbs...FYI

    per·pend    [per-pend]
    verb (used with object)
    1.to consider.
    verb (used without object)
    2.to ponder; deliberate.
