Saturday, January 21, 2012

"Congress puts brakes on anti-piracy bills"


"(Reuters) - Lawmakers stopped anti-piracy legislation in its tracks on Friday, delivering a stunning win for Internet companies that staged an unprecedented online protest this week to kill the previously fast-moving bills.

"Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said he would postpone a critical vote that had been scheduled for January 24 "in light of recent events."

"Lamar Smith, the Republican chairman of the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, followed suit, saying his panel would delay action on similar legislation until there is wider agreement on the issue.

"'I have heard from the critics and I take seriously their concerns regarding proposed legislation to address the problem of online piracy. It is clear that we need to revisit the approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products,' Smith said in a statement."

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  1. Yes... they HAVE to start listening to the people! Maybe all these recalls and occupy of cities are doing some good. I am so tired of all the politics: the attacks,lying and sappy musical background political ads and calls to my home, and the bulk of it really hasn't started yet. We will be ready to puke by the time voting comes around. Stay strong. We must exercise our rights to do what is right, whatever you believe in.

  2. I am amazed that the internet is as free as it is. I thought that the government was going to tax, regulate, and destroy it a long time ago. There will be more attempts to control the net. And definitely an internet tax of some sort. They can't keep their greedy hands off of it.

    The internet itself has played a vital role in rebellions across the world. People use social media sites to coordinate anti-government events.

    I hope that more people are participating in government in the USA because of the internet.

    Unfortunately, the net also makes it easy to fool people who are not savvy. Misinformation and disinformation all over the place.

    I support free access to information on the internet, with the restrictions of no illegal stuff (like kiddie porn or scam sites) and controlled access for children.
