Wednesday, January 18, 2012

"The Government Wants to Kill the Internet"


  1. I have voted no to SOPA and the PIPA and I hoping others will do the same.

  2. I heard on the news that legislators have been bombarded with emails, phone calls, tweets.. Looks like the people speaking are finally being heard.

    While wikipedia was blackened out, it didn't take long for users to figure out that hitting the escape key allowed access. Party on.

  3. Yes, there were ways around the Wikipedia blackout. The #FactsWithoutWikipedia meme on twitter was a lot of fun yesterday.

    A current meme on facebook is a pic that says "Under SOPA you could get five years in prison for uploading a Michael Jackson song, one more year than the doctor who killed him".

  4. That's funny, hale, and disturbingly true.
