Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Both my Mother-in-law and my daughter share a birthday with a very great man. We showed this video to the girls for the first time, still a little too young to appreciate or understand the meaning behind it but I think it's an important topic.


  1. You are so right Why Not. We need more men like him, with more concern for the rights of people and less about their own agenda.

  2. The country has progressed much, since the 60s and the work of Dr. King, but MUCH more work needs to be done, by both side of the issue. Racism still exists In this country, and I think It perhaps has raised It's ugly head even more In the last three years. We MUST learn to live as ONE people In this nation. This also applies to those that choose to exterminate their own for selfish reasons, or just plain criminal reasons.

  3. I was 12 then and the speech didn't register much with me. By the time Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated, I was older and understood much more. It was electrifying to be alive during those times, but tragic, too.

    Anyone remember this song?

    Toad, I agree that we have progressed, and that we still have a lot to do. There is some very intense racial hatred out there. And I hate it when I'm engaged in casual conversation with someone and they assume, because we are the same race, that I share their racism. Sometimes it infuriates me and sometimes it just disappoints me.

    Do you, or anyone else, think that school busing has made successive generations more tolerant of others and less racist? Or maybe worse? Or about the same as if we didn't bus at all?

    I don't know if it has worked or not. Sometimes I witness or read about some crap that makes the 60's seem like a dream, like we're still living in the 50's in regard to race relations.

  4. Orb's, I think busing has helped, but your comment about the 60s being a dream, and we are perhaps still In the 50s Is also accurate today. The separation still exists between races. Just look In a crowd of people. The black people still sit In large groups. I don't blame this on only the white population. It's a two way street, blacks have to be just as responsible for the problem as anyone else.
