Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday & Thursday

And joyous Thursday!


  1. I'm up...
    trying to get used to a new operating system, I'm officially switching over hopefully Thursday, I'm trying to make friends with it...
    Happy Wednesday everybody :)

  2. Jedwis??????

    Good luck with the switch LM.

  3. curses...foiled again. As KK would say WTF covers just about anything these days.

  4. Lucky number 7.

    Lol, Dickert is turning off the streetlights in neighborhoods while living like a king in City Hall. What an utter prick.

  5. I think I'm ready for the big switch, tho our make shift computer desk in the livingroom is right beside the reclining couch, and I've rather enjoyed putting my feet up and surfing/chatting/hanging with you guys. Hubby switched the email program from my comp in the office to this one, so I've gone all today with the new one. I'm too old, I don't like change but he mega boosted this one for me, look out!

  6. WTF... who's the fool? ;>

    Yes, orbs, it is dark out there in the morning and evening hours. When some kid gets hit by a car because they are crossing the street while trying to get to school or catch the bus, the city will be held responsible because there wasn't adequate lighting. If your home gets burglarized because of a street light removed from your street, be sure to contact a lawyer. Racine has insurance money (taxpayer dollars) to spare.

    Liz... I could sure use a mega boost to my hard drive, and I'm not talking computers here. hehehehe

  7. LM, I hate change, too. And I think the older I get, the more I hate it. It seems like just when I understand a program or some software on the computer, then they change it. Same thing for a store. Once I have it memorized and know where everything is, they start rearranging things.

    kk, it just strikes me as so arrogant, in these very hard times, to start turning off lights in neighborhoods while forcing taxpayers to absorb the legal costs for a personal lawsuit brought against him because of something he did while he was campaigning. They've dipped, and re-dipped, into the contingency fund for hundreds of thousands of dollars for Dickert's lawyers, while the lights are being turned off in our neighborhoods. It is an obscenity.
