Monday, February 27, 2012

Check Out Racine Uncovered's New Look

It's so professional looking now.  I'm glad to see the growth.  Congratulations to Beth and the others who have put so much effort into our community. 


  1. It does look nice. Congratulations, Beth! And, watch out, JT... there is new, and more viable competition on the block! ;>

  2. Thanks everyone! It wasn't me with all the computer guru stuff. Thanks should go to Corey for the site (and for putting up with me for 4 years!) I just have the big mouth!

  3. Thank you, Corey.

    And thank you for your 'big mouth,' Beth.

  4. RU has always been a great friend to all of Racine, and now it's an even more valuable resource!

    Thanks for all you do RU!

  5. Looks like they have more information then the JT
