Saturday, February 4, 2012

Honesty in Marketing

I came home and the Caller ID was blinking. It's always blinking. A call, but no message. Probably some phone scam. I looked at the Caller ID:

I blinked. Laugh out loud!

I Googled the number. Scroll a little down this list and you'll see that many others have also received the "Phone Scam" ID:

I heartily applaud this new trend in telemarketing. Thank you so much. My prayer is that it spreads to all of marketing, everywhere. Can you imagine honest advertising? It boggles the mind.


  1. They don't call me. I always tell people that If they want to steal my identity to go ahead, but they may be sorry. Would they ever be surprised.

  2. Maybe it's a test to see how stupid people are.

  3. Now if instead it said, phone sex....

  4. I received a few of those myself.

  5. kkdither said...
    "Now if instead it said, phone sex...."

    Good one. But if it said Phone Sex, I'd be afraid that it would cost me like $20 a minute if I answered.
