Friday, February 3, 2012

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

Both Tweety and Sylvester have speech impediments. What's up with that?


  1. Hello all.. Woke up to frigid weather once again.. (well frigid to me, I suppose if one was to compare to other frigid places it's really not that bad) It was 8 degrees outside.. I first thought hey that's pretty warm but then I remembered I had it on Fahrenheit and not Celsius. So it's another day of hibernation and indoor activities..

  2. Yes I am up early have lots of errands to do today. So that meant for me to take Drew to work so I can have the car today. I hope everyone has a great weekend!♥

  3. Well,well,well...5th...who would have thunk it? Thanks to all of my wingwomen. lol Everyone have a P & P day.

  4. Happy Friday Everyone. Why Not - I'm sorry it is so cold there. We are enjoying unseasonably warm weather although we have storms predicted today. Hopefully we will get lots of rain.

    Wingwomen Jed?

  5. Setting me up for my 5th spot, Mary. Like you have done for me in the past. lol

  6. I'll hop in here at 6? Yippee..... weekend. I think I heard Mel Blanc on a documentary say that they used a speech impediment for Sylvester on purpose to make children with those problems understand they weren't alone. Doesn't Tweety just talk baby talk?

  7. Nice valentine candy KK. These good things do not go un-noticed. lol

  8. Tired, worn out and wiped. Tired from work. Just glad that the weekend is here....
