Friday, February 10, 2012

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

Hope your eyes still work after reading that.


  1. angry sinuses + angry throat = counting down the minutes til I return home and back to my happy place which is under the covers...

  2. The sun is shining (kind of) and the temperatures are just a few degrees under freezing.. By sunday the weather reports are even saying we might get above freezing.. how exciting will that be??

    Here's to a wonderful Friday (filled with the usual cleaning and taking care of the girls)and I think I'll take them out sledding after lunch.. should be fun.. have a wonderful weekend..

  3. I've been running low on the 5th's this week, good thing I was stocked have a positively productive day.

  4. snowing real light here in Milwaukee......

  5. 8th for Friday. I believe it is going to be a cold weekend, but it is February.
    Have a great day everyone.

  6. Private improv gig tomorrow night for a birthday party. Ever see the show Portlandia? There is a bookstore called Women and Women first owned by two lesbians. The couple really reminds me of them!

  7. What? What is snow? What is that stuff? Oh, it's cold, and slippery.

  8. oRBScORBS - The JT (LEE Ent.) closed at 1.06 today! Hope you didn't buy any when it was high. It will fall back into penny stock territory - then LEE will do a reverse-split, to prop up the price. In other words, they will halve the number of shares, thus doubling the price!!! Instant stock boost! A reverse split is a desperate move by a desperate Company. It's all about sales, sales, and sales.

    All the news they see fit to print!


  9. I got as far as the Ameritrade site and I quit. They want heavy duty personal information to register, and I don't think I could buy just one share.

    What would happen if the Journal Times folded? Could someone buy just the Journal Times? It's probably hard as hell to make it as a stand alone paper, especially in this economy. Would the Journal Sentinel expand their Racine coverage? Would someone start up an alternative paper newspaper? I assume there would be alternatives online.

  10. The streets late this afternoon were bad with the snow. What was rush hour like?

  11. I was glad to get home in one piece. My A-B-S had to work a couple of times on the slippery roads despite keeping a safe distance; The person ahead of me kept jamming on his brakes. I decided to turn and took a less traveled road. Then, some fool who chose not to scrape his back window, decided to throw his car in reverse to turn himself around. Good thing my horn worked. Geech.

  12. OrBsCoRbS - When the JT closes down it makes one wonder what will Zorro do?

    Racine doesn't have any traditional alternative papers I know of - perhaps it would give rise to a Racine version of Madison's Isthmus.

    Perhaps a version of Milwaukees Shepard Express?

    I find myself going to the Wisconsin State Journal more and more - it's LEE Ent. Flagship in Wisconsin and provides greater coverage and more on-time articles than their little Sister, the JT.

    The Journal-Sentinel is also great. There is a limit of freebies there, but if you google a story,, you can usually get free access that way - I use that for the NYT.

    The Kenosha News is very restricitve, and doesn't share stories. They recently announced 22layoffs for Secretaries in the Kenosha School District and that Somers laid off it's financial manager - but it didn't appear elsewhere - they want the $$$.

    I would think the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel would provide a section for coverage here. They would probably do a better job because they wouldn't be in Mr. Brandts pocket or part of JD's agenda, so the reporting would be more in depth, less slant, and no cover-ups.

    However, in my final analysis - Racine is a financially drained town with no real workable or affordable solution possible. The cost to repair it is more than it's worth. It is now a scavenger economy, and will remain so for some time. One day, failure will no longer be rewarded. Look West.
