Monday, February 20, 2012

Open Blog - Monday & Tuesday

A big, fat smooch for each of you.


  1. And a beautiful MONDAY to all yo-all!

  2. I'm up, working on caffeine, and have a short work day, I think it'll be an ok Monday :)

  3. Thanks for the smooch, sheriff! You devil you! Cupid must have gotten a pretty good aim on you this year.

    No school today... yip, yip, yippee! Grocery shopping, shower and visiting with a friend is the agenda. Not sure what order they will happen. Hopefully, for the others, the shower will come first.

  4. Happy Monday everyone. KK - enjoy the day off.

  5. Monday, Monday.....I'm still checking airfares to london for September. My godson is getting married in Kent or something and I think I may just go...never been to Europe....anyone know anything about Virgin Atlantic Premium Economy fare? Oh boy....

  6. The smooch Is OK as long as your a female. If not It's discrimination.

  7. Toad, that is the beauty of the sheriff. It is an entity that can be whatever you want (or dream) it to be. Ooo la la! ;>

  8. Beejay, you lucky duck. Isn't that the flight that takes you just to the edge of the atmosphere? j/k. I've never been to Europe. Paris is on my bucket list.

  9. Ah, back from Gallifrey One where I got to be a big Doctor Who fanboi for the weekend. Today is not a holiday here, but Friday is a holiday: Rodeo Day. Yes, there is a rodeo and we get the day off (as do all the schools...schools are in session as usual today).

    I just got an email today confirming that I have been selected to teach a short course at a meeting in Amsterdam this summer. I have only been to Europe proper twice and looking forward to exploring a new part of it (I say Europe proper since I don't count things like the British/French/Dutch Carribean Islands I visited when I lived down there even though technically my passport says I have been to other countries!)

  10. I only count Costa Rica as the other country I've been to, Hale...I hit those islands and Mexico too....And Columbia!!!!! Now that was scary!

  11. Where is that darn SER. He could give me some pointers!

  12. Hey Beejay London/Kent is rreally neat to see. We flew into Heathrow and took the trains from there, Them sons of bitches are fast, it was fun.

  13. Amsterdam - isn't that where they have "pot" cafes?

  14. To Hell with all those places. Amsterdam Is close to Denmark though. I suppose that would be OK.

    Hey Mary, I saw your class photo last night In a Kipi, one of those crazy sites that never leave you alone sent me. Your just cute as a button. Sexist I know, and I don't care, so that's my story, and I'm sticking to It.

  15. Oh my gosh, where are my manners. Thank you Toad, that was sweet.

  16. The Sheriff is a kissing fool.

    kk, if you run for mayor and win, you can go to Paris on our dime. Lying John just did.

  17. Mary, What year? Are you kidding? If I divulge what year It was, everybody would know that your really only 37. A person with the knowledge you have certainly couldn't only be 37, and nobody would believe me. I think 1992 was a really great year.
