Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday & Thursday

That makes me a little seasick.


  1. Oh oh, somebody is slacking.. it's almost 2a.m. and I'm the first??

    Well today we woke up to not so frigid temperatures.. I actually dared to go out there today.. Girls are off to preschool and I am here doing my normal household project.. Have a great day everyone..

  2. I guess I am second today. I am up and getting ready for work. I hope everyone has a great day!♥

  3. What is going on here. 3rd????
    Have a good day everyone.
    Still looking for Jedwis.

  4. wow, miss froggy is up and didn't beat me on here? inconceivable!
    Happy Wednesday all, and JED - it's time to come out of hiding, we're getting a little worried here!

  5. Hoping to get sunset pics last night, but foiled by clouds. The Sun would have set right over Kitt Peak from my usual spot. I guess I could drive a few miles farther south this weekend to try and hit a similar alignment from a different locationi.

  6. Don't you just hate when work gets in the way...don't they know I've got things to do? Customers...what are they good for? absolutely, nothing.

    BTW...6th...I hope ya'll had a P&P day.

  7. Reporting in and ready for a nap.

  8. I want a nap, too. I always want a nap.

  9. I just woke up from my nap about an hour ago. Sure felt good. Then I took the dog for a walk. See Jed, on my day off I am productive.

  10. I'm here. was sleeping this time yesterday.

  11. Sloppy 2nd...Ms Froggy a minute late? I'm checking to see if taking a nap and walking the dog constitutes being productive...I'll let ya'll know after checking with the Open blog commissioner. Everyone have a "real" P & P day.

  12. Okay, may I gripe for a minute? Tuesday when I left work, gas was $3.20 a gallon. Today its up to $3.35. WTH???

  13. Mary, I can recommend an electric car for you. I will throw in a new EV charging station installed for you. We can even make the charging station solar.

  14. Thanks Jed. But I think I'll keep my Honda Civic.

  15. Rats...another sale down the tubes... So what do you all think about the $5.5 million Porters building redevelopment?

  16. This just in...After further review...napping and dog walking are positively productive activities... Just not my personal top
