Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday & Thursday

I guess we're on a roll here.


  1. I get to claim the #1 spot? At least the week is half way over and the snow is supposed to go north of here. The rain outside sounds nice. Hope you all have a good day.

  2. happy leap day!! The sun is shining and it's supposed to be up to about 50f today.. Yesterday I cleaned up the front patio while the girls played in the playground outside and brought out the patio furniture.. It is very much spring here right now.. although I do understand that it is only Feb/March and anything can happen yet, but I will enjoy the weather while I have it.. It's amazing what a few days of sun can do to my mood and energy..

    enjoy your Wednesday!

  3. it's one of those weeks I can't remember what day I'm on, yikes!

  4. hope everyone has a P & P day...Let's go P

    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

  5. We missed out on the rain last night but today is going to be in the upper 60's which is great. Have a great day everyone.

  6. Oh, new format???? Hi guys...hope you have a great day....Mid to high 80's here ride done...back to 12+ miles...hope my arm holds up....I'm determined to get back into my routine.

  7. Hey BJ, I'm flying to Florida, I hope my arms hold up

    BTW, Is it just me or does this new format thingy suck?

  8. As a white man, I am offended by leap day because White Men Can't Jump!

    I have been waiting almost four years to use that joke!

  9. You guys make me laugh. Thanks.

    Jed, I think my film is overexposed, and yes, the new format seems to be greatly inferior.

  10. New format...damn, I thought my computer was messed up....

    I have plenty of film, it just don't fit the camera.

  11. oRBSCorbs ALERT

    The Porters TIF PDF is now available.

    Click HERE to get your copy!

    TSE aka anonymous 1

  12. What???? I'm confused.

  13. I'm getting a little confused, and I must confess, concerned with all these covert messages. Are we going to get the midnight call to bail someone out?

  14. KK...Stop moving around you are suppose to be over there----->


  15. With a wide screen monitor, you have to look way to the left for comments. It sux, but still they will tell you it is better. Why can't they render the comments down the center of the page? I'm going to fall off my chair peering over.

    If I get in trouble, it won't just be bail, it will be "lawyers, guns and money." I think my anonymous friend is trying to keep me abreast of (and outraged by) developments in Dickertland. Thank you.

    I'm thinking of joining the TIF with one of those artsy stores on 6th St: "OrbsCorbs Orbs 'n Stuff." I'll sell orbs and, uh, stuff.

    Do I get my money now or later?

  16. Maybe Madame Zoltar would be interested in the TIF? Although, the DRC has not been overly friendly to her type of services in the past.

    Be careful, orbs. You don't want to mess too much with city hall. The good old boy system is severely entrenched and will hunt you down.

    I have a wide screen monitor. My right side of the screen is entirely blank. Looks horrible. Gee thanks for the update, blogger.
