Saturday, March 3, 2012


This song has been stuck in my head for over a week. I post it here in the hope that by doing so, I exorcise it from my mind.

(Kind of funny to substitute the word fail for sail.  :-P   But not 10 days funny.)


  1. Orbs, I think you need to get out of the house more often and seek social intervention with scotch or vodka, that will exorcise your brain. Ten days with that song in your brain is ten days too much ........

  2. I don't do well in social situations. I do attend JTI gatherings, which usually happen once or twice a year, after the weather gets warmer. Those who want to attend and can, go; and those that don't want to go and/or can't, don't go. Last summer, Why Not was here from Sweden and we got to meet her and her family again. You'll be invited to the next one.

  3. I don't think i ever heard that one Orbs.

    We need to go to Pets again or, damn brain fart, the one on Wood Road...

    Gotta wait till it's warm enough, that will give me time i need to get my body back together.

  4. Not a bad tune to listen to. I hate when I can't shake one. Hope, for you, that this purged itself. I've had a lot worse songs stuck in my head.

    The JTI get togethers are casual and fun. May I ask that the new anons try to come up with some sort of identification (irregular and of course still anonymous) so that we know who we are addressing? I think I bit off someone's head for harsh anon comments that a different poster posted earlier. If it was ill-aimed, I'm sorry.

  5. It's good for there to be a little blood in the water occasionally.
