Monday, March 5, 2012

Open Blog - Monday & Tuesday

Another week for your blogging pleasure.


  1. Number One is a lonely number.

    I tried out the new Blogger dashboard and posting interfaces. Awful! I can post with it, but the dashboard is unnavigable. I'm staying with the old stuff as long as I can.

    Why does it still amaze me that huge companies (Google>Blogger) make stupid mistakes? Wouldn't you think they'd hire the best and brightest? I wonder what it cost Google to align the comments on the left side of the screen? How much in consulting fees to the "experts"?

    PS, Have a good week.

  2. hoping for a happy monday, starting the caffeine IV now...

  3. tooooo cold out this morning.

    Orbs what's the old saying, "if it's working don't fix it!"

  4. Orb's, I thought It was my computer. It didn't make any sense to me either. Shouldn't wonder. They are the generation that Is going to run this country In the future. Should be interesting (to someone)

  5. Facebook has a new interface that has people in an uproar. It shows everything you've ever posted and it is all separated on the page like a collage. Ugh! I think to justify your job in the tech field, you have to come up with innovations. Maybe we are just coots and can't deal with change as well as we used to?

    I was putting off looking at Blogger's new dashboard. I just don't have computer time enough to figure out new stuff at the moment (especially an emergency revert to the previous version if necessary) I'm sure they will eventually make us all use it.

    Thanks for sharing the experience, orbs. I"ll continue to wait to be foisted upon.

    Oh, and happpy Monday. No school this week. I'm on va-ca, yippie! :)

  6. kk, I've avoided that Timeline so far...but sooner or later, I guess they'll force me into it on Facebook. GRRRRRR...Hell, who cares what I posted two or three years ago?

    Everyone have a great week. I'm trying to plan a trip to the northern climes for this summer....ummmm, does that mean Party at Beejay's??? Bet it does!

  7. I like the idea of facebook's timeline, but it's just plain ugly right now and that makes it harder to navigate than it should be. Part of the problem is they are trying to make it work for so many different browsers/screen resolutions. Maybe it looks good on someone's computer, but not any of the ones I use.

  8. I've heard that the new FB timeline style is more detrimental to post-college age kids. When FB was new, people posted what they thought was info between friends. What is out there might not fit with these young adults current careers and life situations. The timeline makes it very easy to go back in time. Not sure how much post editing you can do, once you take the leap...

  9. Orbs, Google does have the " best and brightest", Old fuddi duddi's like us do not adjust to change very well, Case in Point I still haven't figured out how to add pages to my website, hopefully I will get some help from some school kids taking a web site class.........Harry

  10. It's just stupid to have 2/3's of the screen blank. How much you want to bet that pretty soon we'll be seeing advertisements in that blank space?

    legal, you need someone who knows HTML. I've met kids online that can write code, hack, do anything on a computer. They grew up with them.

    kk, enjoy your week off.

    Beejay, anytime you want to party, I believe the JTIs will accommodate you.

  11. Hallelujah, it is finally Tuesday. I say that because it's election day here and I am so sick of negative ads I could just spit.

  12. Mary, I hear you. The entire country is fed up with the negativity, so the politicians keep piling it on. Our greatest enemy at present is our own government, at all levels.
