Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"New-John Dickert’s Attorney states lawsuit has been settled"

From RacineUncovered.org:

"CCAP records show that the attorney’s representing John Dickert have notified the Racine County Circuit Court that on April 23rd a settlement has been reached. CCAP records show that Atty Tokarz (attorney representing John Dickert) calls to advise that a settlement has been reached will follow up in writing. CC from Dickert’s Atty advising that settlement has been reached. All trial dates have been canceled of CCAP. The lawsuit was filed in February of 2011 after John Dickert allegedly call Bill Bielfeldt and embezzler and that is why he was fired. This was stated during a Mayoral Candidate interview on WRJN in which other Mayoral Candidates appeared. It was scheduled to go to trial next week. The City of Racine was recently dismissed from the case and the judge ruled that the City did not have any part of this lawsuit that it had been filed against John Dickert. More on this story as it develops"

More twists and turns.  This is the Bielefeldt lawsuit that has been settled?  (Stan Marsh voice;) Really?

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