Monday, April 23, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

Monday is the beginning of a new story.


  1. I thought we just had a Monday...

    oh a funny note, froglover told me yesterday that a regular of ours at work, he works for the journal and was venting and in a huff about us, not knowing she or I am part of us ahahaha! I can't wait to see him next time and find out what we did that got his undies in a bundle hehehe!

  2. Last week a coworker said she "found out" something. I asked her where she learned it. She said, "I read about it on RU and the JTI."

    I was fighting a knowing smile.... Yes, the silent regulars are out there, folks.

  3. This picture really reflects me today. I had a great three day weekend and now back to the grind and a root canal at 2:00. Help!

  4. 4th damp it...Gosh Mary, good luck, give us the gory details when you get back. Everyone, even you Orbs, have a P & P day...Let's go P! Where do people that live in Hawaii go on vacation?

  5. I have two people from the JT come into my work and one of them complain to me every time. It is about the JTI's and that person does not know about me on here. I just stand there and I listen and don't say anything about me on here.

    Sorry Jed I am taking fifth today!♥

  6. wow they have nothing better to do than worry about us?? Seems like Racine has plenty of other things that deserve more attention from the JT.

  7. Why Not...what happened to your picture thingy...I need to get one of those, maybe my birthday cake, how do you do that?

  8. Jed, it all depends on what account I'm using.. for whatever reason I have 2 different accounts for the JTI with the same name.. one has a picture and one does not.. I think you have to create a profile with blogger or a google account and then you can put up a picture..

  9. Thanks Why Not...sounds too complicated for me, I'm lucky enough to turn the damp thing on.

  10. THB, what do they complain about about us? froglover only heard the frustration in passing, so she didn't know what got him so bugged, I thought it was hilarious, sounds like you got much better insight. Seriously folks, are we THAT offensive?? :) annoying people IS fun I guess :)

  11. (In my best Stan Marsh voice:) Really?

    I've never heard anyone in real life mention the JTI. As someone else so aptly put it, we're "a sideshow." Why would anyone care what a small group of bloggers does? Irreverent and irrelevant. If someone is big time pissed off at us, then we struck a nerve, or, as they say, the truth.

  12. My brother from Minnesota and my nephew from London, England are lurkers. Yep, they check on us from time to time. Silent JTIers...

    Oh well...have a good week to each and everyone of you. I'm getting ready to have a little gathering for Grandma's 97th (yes, that is not a typo) birthday.
