Monday, April 2, 2012

what the demon thinks is this

what the demon thinks is this
there’s no way out
there’s no stopping the process

the pieces fall into place with an almost audible click
it becomes inevitable
I understand our assassins now

they say you’re crazy when everything makes sense
when you calm and finally realize your destiny
the audible click, the ensuing terror

--OrbsCorbs, Copyright © 2012


  1. Is that good shit or just shit? I wonder what James would say. He once said, "You write better when you're bent towards hell." He was right. He was always right.

  2. I really hope you aren't bent for hell. Orbs?

  3. Towards, kk, not for. Y'know, you gotta suffer to be an artist and all that. Or, apparently, I do.

  4. "They say your crazy when everything makes sense" I happen to LOVE that sentence. I have been living with that hanging over my head for 28 years.

    Good job Orb's.
