Sunday, May 13, 2012

"Citizens group calls for Mayor and City Administrator to resign"


"The group-CITIZENS UNITED FOR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY has sent out a press release to area media outlets saying that Mayor John Dickert and Administrator Tom Fridel should resign immediately. 

"Date: May 13, 2012
The responsible, decent and hardworking Citizens of Racine call on Mayor John Dickert, and City Administrator Tom Friedel, to resign their posts and return to private life. Their recent activities indicate that they are ethically and morally challenged and unsuitable for Public Office. In addition to being are wreckless and irresponsible with Taxpayers money they are unresponsive to the hardworking Citizens of Racine who are engaged in private Business and Employment. They have destroyed the business climate of Racine through their questionable activities with awarding contracts and perceived nepotism/cronyism that has completely destroyed any credibility of the Mayor and City Administrators Office. In addition, their activities have engaged the City of Racine in numerous lawsuits."


Party on, lying John!


  1. CITIZENS UNITED FOR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY has sent out a press release to area media outlets saying that Mayor John Dickert and Administrator Tom Fridel should resign immediately.

    Sorry CITIZENS UNITED FOR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY, these guys are not going to resign, why, you have to have a conscience first and they don’t, they are just laughing all the way to the bank.

    It’s like it is ‘payback’ to Racine’s taxpayers for Mayor Gary “Pervert” Becker going to prison.

  2. That is why it's time for a recall. Everyone will say "who would run?" You might be in for a surprise.

  3. My hat is in the ring. My campaign slogan is "OrbsCorbs, of course!" I can be bought much cheaper than the current crop of crooks in City Hall, thus saving money.

    I'll pry Tom Friedel out of the city administrator's position and put in an honest, trustworthy professional, for less pay. I'll return my salary to the city, and stay at home until they need to trot out the mayor for a ribbon-cutting ceremony or appearance at special events. For those occasions, I'll charge the city $50 for half a day, $100 for a whole day. It's win-win.

    "Vote for me and I'll set you free."

  4. Orbs, sounds like "ball of confusion.........." that's what this world is today, hey hey........
