Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Interesting Article

There is an interest article in the JT today. Click here for JT Article

Talk about a “slush fund”, the City of Racine has funds from last year still sitting in an account. My question is, “why aren’t those dollars moved automatically into a 2012 account”?

When it comes to the end of the year and you have $2,500 in your checking account do you just leave it there and start a new checking account?

I believe this is another reason our taxes are high because of miss use of funds and hiding them for, ‘Oh what should I call them’, special projects.


  1. From my experience, funds left over at the end of a calendar year SHOULD be moved into a general fund for the next year, unless they are encumbered for a specific purpose, like lawsuits still unsettled from 2011. Either way the city has to pay, but I find it hard to believe they still might have to pay our that much form 2011. Puzzling why they didn't transfer from this account directly instead of using contingency funds from 2012. UNLESS they were holding the 2011 funds in case they had to pay out for Mayor Happy Hair's mouth.

  2. The money may soon be allocated from the slush fund to the flush fund. The toilet renovations might be in need of another modification.

  3. How many more years back are there existing "contingency funds?"

    What a great term: contingency funds. It means funds for "in case." In case of what? In case of whatever they want to spend it on.

  4. Hundreds of thousands for toilets, but nothing to spare for streetlights.

  5. I think it's supposed slush funds, not flush funds...

  6. WackomanStu...I kinda agree with you the money should be moved but I think it should remain in “that” department budget for the year.

    After years of experience people know how much money they will need for the year,, or damn close. For example if I was ahead of the street dept going by past expenditures I should request “X” amount of dollars. They should take last year(s) money and subtract it from my request and I still end up with what I need or should I say wanted.

    If they don’t move the money first and wait until the budget is out and approved, now I have the extra dollars from the past year(s), what a bonus for me.
