Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just a little something.....


  1. Amen, brother. Do you want the video embedded in the blog?

    I know a guy who was hit head-on by a texting teenager on 16th St. a few years ago. He has some permanent leg damage because of it.

  2. Embedding it was gonna be the next thing I figure out how to do:)

    Texting is a real sore point with me, I spend alot of time driving around and get to see alot of strange (out right stupid) stuff. I never really understood texting anyhow. It seems to be much easier to just call and talk, it's why the big guy gave us a voice box and a mouth.

  3. I embedded the clip for you, Tim. Very gory and graphic video, but true and should be seen. I also don't like people talking on their phone while driving... headsets or not. It is a distraction that shouldn't be practiced.

  4. Thanks for the post, I will show the clip to my nieces and nephews.

  5. Thanks, kk, for the embedding. 6 minutes and I'm lost on other tasks...

    I agree about cell phones and driving, too. But texting and driving is damn near suicidal.

  6. Love the video....

    People who text and drive are hard to catch, but if they are caught the fine should be extreme like $500.00 for the first ofence

  7. This video should be shown to every new driver. Thanks for posting.
