Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Open Blog - Tuesday

Pretty butterfly.


  1. this is my week to be a bum and I'm completely enjoying it! no "P" for me, sorry Jed, not even you can make me :)

  2. So no P for LM. Well, for the rest of us... "Let's go P"... I was thinking(no comments please)is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale? Inquiring minds. Then another thing came to mind, if people from Poland are called "Poles", why aren't people from Holland called "Holes"? Funny how the mind works. lol

  3. It's summer already. It will be snowing in September.

  4. GREECE - or Racine? ---

    "Essentially the past 30 years in Greek public policy were dominated by a silent, but well-known to everyone, pact between the government and the people. This agreement boils down to “find a way to throw money at me directly or indirectly and I will vote for you.” The politicians corruptly built a system that implements this agreement, many people consciously participated in it, and many upstanding and productive people did not do much to stop them.

    It came to the point where, even before the crisis hit, everybody knew and acknowledged the illness of the Greek politics and economy but even the large masses of honest and hard-working people had resigned from the hope that this could be changed. Greece had reached the tipping point many years ago, when the number of people directly gaining from the continuation of this catastrophic system was large enough to be able to elect the government.

    This can be observed even today. In the heat of the crisis, an outsider might wonder why the Greek government and people procrastinate so much and cannot implement the changes needed to put the economy back on track (for example, stop spending more than we earn). The economic measures being taken are unfair, indeed because they hit everyone horizontally in unproductive taxes that only hurt the people who were paying their taxes honestly in the first place."


  5. Think of it this way next time you do your taxes... When you combine The IRS, it spells Theirs.

  6. Well said jed.
    TSE; The EU's future collapse is imminent, get back out on the streets and protest.
