Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday

Happy shortened work week.


  1. Oh my, Mr. SER just beat me.

  2. I want to know who took my warm weather away!! :(
    I do have my veggies all planted. tomatoes, jalopenos, green onions, and trying out cukes here for the first time. Just have to get the radishes and carrots in.

  3. No, I am not still up. Lovely allergies have resulted in a very sore throat that woke me up :( Jed probably won't get his fifth if LM remembers to check in...

  4. I am up early because Drew had to go in for over time. Sorry Jed I took your fifth today!

  5. 6th. Busy crew! I'm up and off to the showers. Starting to like this blogging from bed. Hehehe. Mom, do I have to go to school?

  6. I must say, no one needs to apologize for taking the 5th...I can't believe I beat LM. Thanks for the visual KK, showers and blogging from bed. Everyone have a P & P day. Why are a wise man and a wise guy opposites?

  7. Recovering after tornado scares and another big hail storm.
    Have a great day everyone.

  8. Mary, I just saw the news on CNN. Looks like you may have more of the same today. PLEASE be safe!!!!!

  9. hmm, I must have been dreaming, I swear I checked in the morning, I remember MC's comment, I was sure I was right after her, maybe I'm the invisible woman? behave, you never know when I'll be watching hehehehe!
