Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Aurora: Clinic doctors will stop admitting patients at All Saints"

From The Journal

"RACINE — Seven Aurora Health Care primary care physicians at Racine area clinics will soon no longer voluntarily admit patients to Wheaton Franciscan-All Saints hospital.

"Instead, in the future those doctors, who have more than 11,000 patients combined, will send them to either of two Aurora hospitals — one in southwestern Kenosha and one in Cudahy.

"Aurora spokesman Adam Beeson said Wednesday the change in policy will likely take effect in about 90 days."

My mother and I share one of those Aurora doctors.  We received letters today informing us of the change in policy. They've been pushing patients toward the Kenosha Aurora facilities for some time now.  What a shame it is that we have just one hospital in Racine.  The only time that mom gets admitted to the hospital anymore is through the Emergency Room.  I have some surgery coming up, and I was wondering if they would do it at Wheaton.  Now I know.

When our doctor left All Saints years ago, he was part of small band of doctors who left because they were unhappy with All Saints.  None of them could practice in Racine for a year.  Mom and I followed our doctor to Aurora in Oak Creek, and that's how we became affiliated with Aurora.  I remember our doctor shaking my hand the first time I saw him in Oak Creek.  He thanked me for my loyalty. He was back in Racine after a year and we stayed with him.  Fifteen years later and now this.  I know that mom will never make it to Kenosha, but now I'm wondering if I should stick with my doctor or switch to a Wheaton one.  Kenosha is not that far, but it's far enough.

They once wanted me to do a urine flow test in Kenosha.  They want you to arrive with your bladder bursting, but don't pee until they tell you to.  How was I supposed to drive to Kenosha like that?  I knew then that something like this was up.  I just saw my doctor last week for a regular check-up.  Some tests are scheduled in three weeks.  I may see him after that.  I'll play it by ear for now.


  1. I go to a doctor who sends me to Wheaton in Racine. So far my insurance pays for everything. The only trouble is FINDING the specialist I should see in their complex. I have traveled the 'tunnel' numberous times. I told them to paint the buildings different colors. LOL The care I get there is great. Oh my doc is on bankers road so maybe I have the names wrong.All I know is I go, I get treated and I am satisfied.

  2. Orb's, Since I don't live In Racine any longer, MY suggestion, speak with ALL of your friends, and IRREGULAR friends to find a QUALITY Dr. to change to that uses Wheaton. I cannot imagine your bestest friends here would not JUMP through hoops to assist you. I suspect many of them know your private e-mail address or phone #. After all, "That's what friends are for"

  3. I avoid Wheaton at all costs. Too many bad experiences and stories. I lost all trust in them.

  4. I hear you, Stu. I have horror stories from mom's hospitalizations there. But Wheaton is the only hospital in town. Kenosha and/or Milwaukee might be good for elective stuff, but emergency care is going to be provided by Wheaton.

    To be honest, I also have one horror story to tell about Aurora Hospital in Kenosha. Mom had a test conducted there that turned into a nightmare. So they're not perfect, either.

    I've been with my doctor about 20 years now. I'd hate to have to find another one, but I may have to get a Wheaton primary care physician to keep everything under one umbrella.

    Another concern I have is transportation. I do a lot of chasing for other people now, but when and if I do go down for awhile, there's not a lot of people to look after me. I'm probably better off in a local hospital than in another city.

  5. If you have found a doctor you are happy with, I strongly suggest you stay with that doctor. That relationship should take precedence over hospital choice.

    With all the doctoring that happened with my mom at the end, and all the bouncing around from facilities and cities they did to her, it was almost a pleasure to work with the hospitalists she encountered. You get a different perspective about your course of treatment without losing your doctor... These hopsitalists work with your doctor as needed.

    If you are going with elective or planned care, you can make a choice as to where you are treated. If an emergency happens, we are automatically shifted to All Saints. It is mandatory that they take you to the nearest trauma center.

    Personally, I am very leery of All Saints. I have witnessed way too many problems from top to bottom with that organization.

  6. One of the big problems with Wheaton is their billing. Atrocious doesn't even begin to say it. Aurora has always been great in billing and I don't want to get my credit rating tied up with Wheaton. My sister and her husband each had to get their lawyer in order to straighten out bills and stop collections from Wheaton.
