Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just a Question


  1. To me it was General Douglas MacArthur. Sure Patton messed up but I believe MacArthur was an arrogant individual all the time

  2. How did you come up with this question? Entirely different personalities on different continents fighting different enemies on different battlefields using different tactics achieving different results. SER, I could go on for hours on this topic. Learn history for it teaches you the future
    Patton " Better to fight for something than live for nothing."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. SOB? = Saving our Brothers?
    I often read this site but rarely post on this site. SER has gotten my attention to this question.
    Are you aware that there are relatives of Patton living in the Racine area? Patton was more than likely killed by our own in a hospital after a minor car wreck shortly after the war. Sounds like Legal Stranger has a good grasp of the history of WW2. There are numerous quotes of Patton available @ The Official Website of General George Patton - Quotes

  5. AUDACITY, AUDACITY, ALWAYS AUDACITY! Patton's favorite saying.
    Bill, I'm like Schultz on Hogan's Hereos, "I know nothing"

  6. What made me come up with the question is I watched the movie MacArthur the other night and have seen Patton several times.

    Patton had a ruff way of motivating people; (to me) MacArthur was more out for himself politically and rejected almost everyone’s input about the men on the front lines and how they should handle situations.

  7. Ser, right on both points.
    Patton didn't give a damn about politics and despised the political process.
