Friday, June 8, 2012

"Mars One introduction film (updated version)"

jed, of course, will want to wait for Mars Fifth.


  1. Orbs, as you well know, it is never good to be in on the first will take to the 5th before they work out the kinks.

  2. Yeah, I don't think so. Where will I be able to get a good pizza?

    I was surprised when he mentioned the television show, Big Brother. Have you ever watched the fighting and ill will that takes place when people are cooped up? People would kill each other or themselves just as a way out.

  3. Good luck to all of the travelers for the free ride to Mars. All will have to posess the wanderer gene and still be very stable emotionally. My swag guess is they will change the program to allow returns back to earth after the program begins. So many uncertainties to deal with. Power to run life supprt will be a huge obstacle to overcome. Hopefully there will be an abundant resource of water on Mars or the program will be doomed from the beginning. Creating solar greenhouses will also be a huge undertaking. I like the planet we are on and there is still plenty of it to explore. Dream on!
