Thursday, June 7, 2012

Open Blog - Thursday

I didn't know that days have thirsts...


  1. Happy Thursday everyone.. Today back to normal day.. Yesterday was Sweden's national holiday (Sweden's flag day) up to a few years ago it was not considered a holiday in the way that you would get a day off. It was considered to be a bad thing to show your patriotism and have a day that celebrated the country. Now a days it's a holiday and we had a great day off.. It's not only Sweden's national holiday it's also my husbands birthday, so lucky him as long as we are here he will have the day off for his birthday.. We had a nice gathering and I surprised him with a guest that he had been missing for quite some time (an old workmate). We had excellent weather (a little cold for my taste but the Swedes seemed to enjoy it). On the other hand I didnt get to hang out so much, was mostly indoors preparing or cleaning up after the grilling.. seemed to be a nice party..

    Enjoy your day today.. I'm doing NOTHING today.. so sorry Jed, I have have a P day but not a P day.. =)

  2. I'm up... short 'to-do' list for the day. I have hubby's car while he's away for work and my youngest made it angry... hope it works itself out today, as I was really hoping to get away to surprise him this weekend... oh vehicular fun, how I do not enjoy thee....

  3. You could always try Happy Thong Thursday as an alternative!

  4. 4th... crap. Seems like Mary is stocking up on the 5ths these days. You go Why Not, we all have to P sometime. LM- vehicular fun? Now that brings to mind some memories. lol. Well everyone (except WN)have a P & P day. I was just thinking(lol) If God sneezed, what do you say to him?

  5. Jed is right - I'm coming in 5th.

  6. I'll be dipped...Mary stealing my 5th again. I am still trying to figure, why the word "abbreviation" is so long. geez, oh pete. lol

  7. Jed, you take the 5th and I'll have a 750

  8. Coming in late, again. Boy, am I ever thirsty today! :D

  9. Another open blog that I thought I'd already posted in. Busy day yesterday and today. Tomorrow should be less hectic.
