Saturday, June 2, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend

Happy Saturday and Sunday.


  1. Numur viens.

    I was supposed to be asleep by now, but my stomach had other plans.

  2. Thanks, Marilyn!

    Sorry you can't shake the plague, orbs. Sleep has been very elusive to me lately. I won't go the pharmaceutical route, so I just take it as it comes.

  3. Hi to everyone...what a beautiful day, I'm always sorry to hear, when my friends are under the weather, please get well soon. Everyone have a W & C weekend.

  4. 6th!
    We had a nice, tho short, trip, nice time with family, a few surprises for my moms birthday (that she thought we had no plans for hehehe!!)
    Allergies kicked my butt but other than that, it was good :) missed you guys!

  5. kk, soon you'll be able to sleep in.

    So far, so good today.
