Saturday, June 2, 2012

Useless Information

Did you know:

The majority of pizzas sold in the Untied States (34%) are pepperoni.


  1. 34% is not a majority. It could be a plurality.

  2. I grew up with cheese, sausage, and mushroom pizza from DeRango's on High St. The DeRango's pizza on Douglas Ave. and Three Mile Rd. tastes the most like those today. I think they were greasier in the old days.

    Wells Brothers pepperoni pizza is great. I don't like to have sausage and pepperoni, but usually one or the other.

  3. I prefer veggies, meat can be too heavy and greasy.

  4. I like cheese with tomatoes.

    And where is the "Untied States" ;)
    Sorry.. BeeJay is teaching me well.

  5. Boppster, when I heard this I couldn’t write fast enough. 34% was pepperoni and the others such as sausage or sausage and mushrooms their percentages where like 15% and 20% but they all added to 100%. 34% was the largest, I'm guessing thats why they claim it's the majority.

    Looking at the poll, at 12:45am Monday, Pepperoni 0%, and Cheese Sausage Mushrooms 44.44%

    Apparently we live in the wrong part of the country from where the survey taken, BUT RACINE KNOWS HOW TO MAKE PIZZA’S!

    If you want a most excellent pizza, order a “House Special” from Infusino’s on Washington Ave in West Racine. It is not on their menu, just ask for it. You can get them in all 3 types, thin crust, virgin crust or pan. If you don’t like it, the next time I see you, I will reimburse you for it.

  6. Note sure if you are a fan of DeRango’s in the uptown, but since Tenuta’s bought the place the pizza went down hill.

    They are not the greasy gut bombs I like; they change their recipe and got cheap on the toppings and increased the cost.

  7. Veggies on pizza...Blech! I gotta have sausage, ham and CHEESE on it.

    Wells Bros. has got some great pizza. For pan pizza, I LOVE Pia's on Taylor. Man, they load it up with the toppings. Two slices and you're full!

  8. Plurality is the term used for the highest percentage when it does not exceed 50%. You have to get above 50% to have a majority, so plurality is the correct term to describe pepperonis win.

    I like pepperoni/pineapple or ham/pineapple combos personally.

    Just based on this short thread, you can already see why friendships end, marriages break up, and wars are fought due to disagreements over pizza toppings.
