Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my dry, dormant dears!  How are you?  The heat of last week has moderated, but we’re still in the middle of a drought.  And more heat is on the way.  The weather was the talk of last winter and it’s the talk of this summer, too.  Today I had reason to walk on some grass, and it was crunchy underfoot.  That’s beyond dormant.  That may be dead.  Oh my.

The 4th of July was too hot for me to watch the parade in person.  Junior had a great time, but he came home sun burnt.  My tonic soon eased the pain and other effects of the sunburn, but nothing restores the initial damage done to the skin.  My generation had an excuse: we thought the sun was good for us.  As it turns out, the sun is out to get us with a vast array of light waves and radiation.  Junior knows this.  He probably considers it “lame” to put on sun block, but you can’t even see or smell the unscented stuff.         

No parade this week, but we do have this: “Ironman 70.3 Racine Triathlon Course to Cause Traffic Delays on Sunday” -  Be prepared.  This one has snagged traffic a number of times.  I don’t think all of our current roadwork will help matters any.  I have someone to visit on the north side on Sunday, but he doesn’t live on North Main St., so I should be OK.  In fact, my plan is avoid North Main entirely.  Check out the story and maps to see if the triathlon will affect you.

Of course, there are scads of other events and shindigs occurring throughout Racine during the summer.  Check the paper, listen to the radio, and talk to you friends.  There’s something going on almost all of the time in Racine.  Most of it is legal.  Tee-hee, a little joke there.  I’m sorry, that doesn’t reflect positively on Racine.  Racine is the precious ship that carries my life.  I don’t want to become one of the cargo rats.  

If you have one, or more, of those small trees that the city planted this spring, you’d do them a great favor by letting a hose lightly trickle on the mulch near the trunk of each of them for ½ - 1 hour.  Once a week until the rain returns (if ever).

Thank you for stopping by to peruse my blog.  And for reading it, too.  I so enjoy the company.  My readers are my life.  Without them, I’d cease to exist. 

Let off steam with Madame Zoltar® Voodoo Dolls:

Pray for rain, my dears.  If we can’t get rain, then pray for beer.  We might as well enjoy the misery of the drought with some of the draught. Look both ways before crossing the street.  Stay hydrated.  Wear clean underwear.  I love you all.  Vecordious!


  1. Great advise as always Mme Z, especially the clean underwear thingy. I'm sorry about Juniors' erythema solare, I'm sure your special tonic will help. What's up with vecordious? You making words up again?

  2. Thanks for the reminder on the lake front, that is a terrible mess down there every time they hold that event.

  3. Good morning, Madame. Have I told you lately how much I enjoy your Wednesday column? It helps me over the hump. Please don't ever cease to exist.

    The downtown activity and race brings in valuable tourism dollars to the city as a whole. We can suffer a day with inconvenient traffic, I guess. I don't need to worry about traffic; I've become agoraphobic since I don't have to leave the house daily, and I'm kind of liking it.

    But this dryness HAS to end. I've been trying to grow a lawn from seed for the past two months. Talk about the need for persistence. I have callouses from man-handling hoses. Do you have an ointment or lubricant for that in your catalog, madame? Oh, my, scratch that image... that doesn't sound lady-like at all! ;>

  4. Well, I have to admit, surprise...surprise

    KK said "I have callouses from man-handling hoses. Do you have an ointment or lubricant for that in your catalog, madame? Oh, my, scratch that image... that doesn't sound lady-like at all"

    Yep, I see that

  5. I didn't see it until kk pointed it out.
