Friday, July 13, 2012

Open Blog - Friday the 13th

Be careful out there.


  1. Good morning Ser!
    and everyone else too..
    remember, your superstitions only work if you believe in them

  2. That's right. I don't need no silly superstition to ruin my luck. I can do that myself.

    Number III.

  3. full moons scare me, not numbers
    of course, crazy people scare me too...

  4. 5th...just in time for the weekend. Hey I thought of some games we can play at the next get together. Since we are all getting older...
    1. Sag, you're it
    2. Hide and go pee
    3. Kick the bucket
    4. Musical recliners
    5. Simon says something incoherent
    6. Pin the toupee on the bald guy
    and my personal favorite
    7. Red rover, red rover, the nurse says bend over.
    I hope everyone has a P & P day

  5. HIDE. I saw a black cat this morning. Yikes!

  6. Happy Friday the 13th everyone.

  7. I'm 8 and I'm late. Gee, thanks Sheriff, I would have had a blissful, ignorant day until you reminded me.

    Jed, you want to be the new party coordinator? I already know how to play some of those games. ;>

  8. Naw, thanks anyway for asking KK. You gals do a wonderful job of coordinating...I would just mess the whole thing up, and I would have to go thru that whole initiation thingy again.

  9. ok, it was totally coincidental that today was the absolute worst start of my day at work, not because it's the 13th, let me make that very clear, but.... worst start to any work day EVER... one of the 3 lines of power to our 'store' fried out just before I got there. we had power to about 1/2 of the place, and not to key areas, and couldn't open for the 1st 2 hours we were supposed to be, took our fix-it guy, and 3 or 4 WE Energy trucks to put humpty dumpty back together again... wicked, simply wicked...

  10. Fun fact: Every Friday the 13th is preceded by a Thursday the 12th.

  11. What would we do without hale's scientific input? ;>

  12. We'd be lost...and postceded by Sat the 14th. Hey KK congrats you are lucky #13 on the 13th. Any prizes left from "Bedroom Follies" you can claim? lol

  13. Yes we have just gotten much needed rain today!♥

  14. Yay rain. We still need more. We might have a chance tonight.

    Despite the fact I am not superstitious, my day, like LM's, sucked big time. The only saving grace today was the rain and my first ripe tomato picked. I've never gotten one this early.
