Monday, July 9, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

Have a swinging day.


  1. Of course you may.

    Nimewo de.

    Happy birthday to my sister. 66. Only 600 hundred more years and she'll have the mark of the beast for a birthday

  2. I am up and getting ready to head off to work today. My vacation is over. Thursday I get my granddaughter!♥

  3. Sadly my vacation is over as well. Have a great Monday everyone.

  4. Still on vacation. You can hate me. Don't you hate it when you wake up because you thought you heard someone in the house?

  5. Hi gang...Don't you just love caffeine? I can only hope everyone has a P & P day.
    A very wise man told me, you can give a man a fish and he will eat for a can teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day drinking beer.

  6. KK, I think I too would not like that. I was watching A movie once while alone, and It was In REALLY good surround sound. When the actor closed the door, the METAL venetian blind hit the door, and sounded just like someone was In the house. I paused the movie, checked ALL over the house and basement only to finally figure out It was the movie. I played It over, and over again. Alarming.

  7. late but still made it :) day started with cranky, difficult people, so glad I'm off tomorrow for my youngest's birthday :)

  8. Ah, wind, rain and a cold front. When I got home from work at 5:05 it was 97, now it's 82 and raining. Yee Haw!

  9. Nice, Mary. Not for us, though. It's supposed to get hotter as the week progresses. Still no rain in sight. There's been some permanent losses in agriculture, and food will cost more.
