Saturday, July 14, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend

Enjoy the weekend.


  1. Still up. Mixing up my nights and days again.

  2. No Jobs Johnny wants to RESCIND the Union contracts he made.

    Does that make No Jobs Johnny the ULTIMATE LIAR?

    My, my, what a web of deception he weaves!

    Is there a COMPETENT official on the Common Council?

    RACINE - Exit 333 off of Highway 20- it's only a few short miles - and it's 666!

  3. Ah, Saturday. Have a good day!

  4. I'm tired this morning......

  5. TSE, I was going to avoid responding to your blogs, but this one really strikes (no pun intended) me as being almost unbelievable. I'm a former UAW worker, and for this to occur Is just plain unimaginable to me. I see NO recourse for the employee's, should this occur. Enough Is enough. It's like someone opening the contract, without the other sides approval.

  6. TOAD - did you see the headline in Today's JT?

    It's not my imagination - Dickert and the Common Council are saying that the Contracts they signed are NULL and VOID.

    Why would I make that up?

    Respond to me? Why? Call Mayor Dickert!

  7. Deputy City Attorney Scott Letteney, lead union labor negotiator for the city, said last year he believed that Act 10 would nullify the Local 67 contract, for 2011-2012 and 2013-2014, at the end of the first term in 2012. He couldn’t be reached for comment Friday afternoon.

    “It’s with a heavy heart that this whole situation has to be dealt with,” Kaplan said. “With cities going bankrupt on the West Coast, we have to look at substantial issues of keeping our city afloat.”

  8. TSE, I SUPPORT your gripe with the city. I have NO idea how you mis-read my message, but, they signed a LEGAL contract. THEY being the CITY. That Is all I am going to say.

  9. TSE, I don't live In Racine anymore, but did for 43 years, and still have family In the City, not to mention "IRREGULAR" Friends.

  10. Toad and TSE, I touched on some of this in a comment on the "Racine in Ruins" blog.

    We needed yesterday's rain, amplified by a factor of 10.

    In case you missed the news, I already have my first tomato. Never this early before.

  11. Orbs. My tomato plant is only about a foot and a half tall and has 3 tomatoes on it. Little baby ones...LOL

  12. My tomatoes are about the size SER said his are. The plants look very sturdy and healthy, but I haven't seen any blooms yet.

  13. I planted them in mid-May. I usually wait until the end of may for fear of frost, but this year was so warm so early, the tomatoes got a two week jump on usual years.

    I planted three different types of tomatoes. The ones I like the most were already 6" tall when I put them in. That's the type I have a fruit from. The others were seedlings. But everything is waist high now and I have to put up some line. The tomatoes have outgrown their cages and need something else to hang onto as they climb. In an average year, I put up two sets of line.

  14. "Deputy City Attorney Scott Letteney, lead union labor negotiator for the city, said last year he believed that Act 10 would nullify the Local 67 contract, for 2011-2012 and 2013-2014, at the end of the first term in 2012. He couldn’t be reached for comment Friday afternoon."

    SO - The City of Racine Attorney's Office says, to paraphrase, "Contracts were made to be broken!"

    Good. Good.

    Monday A.M. I suggest the City of Racine Attorney's Office begin working on voiding City Administrator Tom Friedel's employment contract and the Contract allowing the Common Council to force the residents of Racine to pay John Dickerts legal bills.
