Saturday, July 28, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend

Time to relax and recharge. 


  1. I'm number 1!

    Yahoo, Mountain Dew!

    Anyone watching the Olympics?

    hale, are you in them this year?

  2. I watched. Started out slow and odd... Paul was looking pretty old. And who would'a thought the queen would take the plunge? ;>

  3. up much too early for my liking...don't have to be up for another hour, but a lack of actually being asleep gets frustrating, hence the need to just get up already.

  4. ahhhhhh, sleep, great stuff!!!
    Wake up Jed, you're up next!

  5. Oh no, our insomniac ways is spreading to the young'uns! :o

  6. We watched the opening ceremonies last night and I have to say it was really good.
    This morning I turned the tv on and guess what I found myself watching - fencing. Interesting.
    Okay, off to walk the dog before it hits 105.

  7. Mary, Good news. I just saw the weather man on CNN, and he say's you may have only another 9 days of this 100+ heat. I'd move.

  8. Holy Crap am I late, but I'm here now.......

  9. Okay...I'm Number 1 or Sunday...wooohooooo

  10. This being Sunday and the day the JT posts sale prices for local homes, I reviewed the data and have tabulated the results. You can find them here:

    Racine in Ruins

    Please view the report carefully. Notice how many foreclosures and disqualified sales there are - very few are legitimate sales to private parties! Also I noticed how many of the reported sales arent' recorded yet - so that may, OR, may not be a sale. The JT does not guarantee the accuracy of any data, which is why I check it.

    Here is a MAJOR problem - Notice the valid private party sales - then note the huge difference between the SALE PRICE and the ASSESSED PRICE! Residents of the City of Racine are being "taken for a ride" by the local assessor and paying hundreds more than they should!

    Here are some of the differences between the actual price and the assessed value! The mil rate for 2011 was :$26.77/thousand.
    With a difference of $35,250: OVERPAID - $934.64
    With a difference of $31,800: OVERPAID - $851.29
    With a difference of $27,000: OVERPAID - $722.79

    That's real money! You need to spend the time to discover your houses true value, then have the assessor properly adjust it. All the info is on the City of Racine website - under tax assessments. It will be worth your time!
