Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Open Blog - Tuesday

Every day is hot around here.


  1. I could have taken #1 at midnight, but left it for someone else. It is still available, so I'm claiming it. Happy Tuesday, everyone. Stay cool!

  2. 109 here today and tomorrow and the next day and the next. Oh wait, I lied, tomorrow 111.
    Have a great day everyone. Where is Jed?

  3. day off today, was productive yesterday. Question remains - be a bum and do little or be super productive and do alot? I'm torn and not in a hurry to decide, what do you think? :)

  4. I think you should set up a beer party/picnic for JTI

  5. Why do my comments always have a trash can by the date?

  6. Mary, are they trying to tell you something? :o Actually, since you are the "owner" of the comment, you have the right to delete it. lol..... We need to get you to post a blog for us, so we know what is on your mind. Then, you'll have rights to delete the comments from others, at least I think that is how it works???

    I'm in for a beer party. It is time! It is beyond time.

  7. Thanks KK. I thought maybe the sheriff was watching me for trash talk. :}

  8. hmmm, just checked in with our past picnic location and there is major construction/destruction happening, and access is sketchy, looking into other alternatives, would love to find somewhere that we can actually secure a shelter so the omen from the last one (torrential rains) won't keep us from doing it :) open to ideas, insights etc,
    email to lizardmom@jtirregulars.com
    still checking but I'm not a great surfer :(
