Monday, July 9, 2012

Useless Information

Did you know:

Wesley Trent Snipes: Actor, martial artist, film producer has earned a 5th degree in Black Belt karate

Source Wikipedia


  1. One of my favorite movie stars. Given the nature of some of his roles, I am not surprised by the 5th degree black belt in karate.

    Too bad he is serving time for tax evasion. I don't know why, but I still don't want to believe that is true.

  2. I have a Green Belt....laugh’in except it’s a Green Belt in Six-Sigma from Milwaukee School of Engineering.

    Orbs, I like him also, damn guy has a hell of a build!

  3. MSOE is a cool school.

    I hope prison doesn't mess with Snipes' mind too much. He should be able to maintain his physique.

  4. Speaking of six-sigma, I still use old school SPC. Because of computers and good transportation, Lean manufacturing using Just In Time (JIT) and Almost To Late (ATL) have become common in all forms of business. Oh, this was about Snipes,
    Who is Snipes, does he hunt birds with rookie hunters during the night?

  5. legal stranger...when I was in Boy Scouts we use to take the new guys snipe hunting on their first over night outings...laugh'in

  6. SER, In '82 We took a 26 year old into the woods out snipe hunting with bags and flashlights, then we all disappeared. He showed up the next morning, turned in his resignation and we never saw him again...........
    Some people have no sense of humor.
