Sunday, August 12, 2012

Closing Ceremony 2012 Olymipics

The closing ceremony was simply phenomenal!

I would like to thank the Queen and her band of Brits for hosting the 2012 games.

I would like to thank EVERY Olympian and their country for giving us two week of smiles and at times jerking a tear or two from our eyes.

Congratulations to all the medal winners and the families for supporting them.

I cannot wait for the Winter Games.



  1. I wish I could have seen more of the whole thing.. Feels like I've been running around like crazy with all the wedding stuff going on that I missed most of the stuff I wanted to see.. The closing ceremonies started at 10p.m. for us so I only watched the first hour or so.. hoping they play a rerun of it.. From what I saw it looked good..

  2. Just to clarify, Ser, they are medal winners, not metal winners even though the medals are made of metal.

  3. And to win a medal you have to show your mettle and hope that no one meddles with your drug test.

  4. Got to see most of it and I have to say the British know how to throw a party. I always enjoy the Olympics and this year was no different.

  5. does that to me...laugh'in
