Friday, August 17, 2012

Open Blog - Friday

Have a great day.


  1. Good morning!! It's Friday, now that I'm a working woman I can appreciate it in a different way.. although I do have a full day tomorrow as well.. cleaning during the day and coming back to help out during a wedding tomorrow evening/night.. then Sunday is off Monday Mina starts Kindergarten!! two or three days of work next week and then Friday I have a meeting about my school on Friday.. busy busy the house is falling apart and I cannot stand to look at it but at the same time no energy to do anything about it..

    The weather here has actually been nice.. highs in the low 70s which is the closest thing to summer we have had all "summer" long.. which is strange because August is usually the start of Fall around here.. I'll take it though..

    Happy Friday everyone take it easy today..

  2. Thanks for the update Why Not...Ms Froggy, 444, spooky. I hope you all have a P & P day, throw in whatever P's work for you.
    I was wondering...why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?

  3. Jed asks a valid question.
    Why...... would they put the
    "clean bathroom" signs up and then lock the door. Must be some kind of ethnic humor.

  4. were 5th...celebrate good'on. lol

  5. Jed - do you realize you are still champion of bedtime games as there was no winner this week? Celebrate!

  6. Mary...I'm not sure how that will work, I think the bedroom times game commissioner will need to make a final ruling. I'm afraid it is like the can't win if you don't play.

    I've been thinking...When blondes have more fun, do they know it?

  7. Jed! Welcome back! You pose some interesting questions. The commissioner was willing to allow you reigning title, until you brought up the "lottery" aspect of not playing... hmmm.

    Why Not, you will get into a groove with working. It becomes second nature to "look the other way" with those small messes when you come home tired. The people around you are more important than some clutter or a dirty fork on the counter.

    And jed... the answer to your final ponderism, YES, we do know it!

  8. KK...I did not know that you broke your foot...hope it is getting better, how did it happen?
