Friday, August 24, 2012

Open Blog - Friday

Happy Friday.


  1. Everyone must be sleeping...

  2. LM is definitely slacking yesterday and today. I'm not sleeping.

  3. I'm here.. at home taking care of my "sick" little girl.. she may be covered in spots but that doesnt slow her down..

  4. 4th damp it. Good luck Why Not. What Ms Froggy, LM slacking? So I guess that means her P & P for the day are procrastinating and passive, not exactly what I had in mind. Well, I'm done with the pondering, so I'll just wait for Mary to take the 5th.

  5. Here I am Jed. I'm off so I'm going to do all my Saturday chores today. Off I go. Have a great day everyone.
    Why Not - I hope she gets rid of her spots soon.

  6. I was sleeping....

    I'm glad the spots aren't slowing her down. Strange that they would make you wait so long before looking at it.

  7. Geez, another shooting, by the Empire State Building. Our nation is getting sicker.

  8. Orbs, what scares me is if one of these meatballs get a hold of a ‘mini gun’.

    The original M134, made by General Electric, had two rates of fire - 3,000 rounds per minute, or 6,000 rounds per minute. Some variants fire at a fixed rate, which may be 3,000 or 4,000 rounds per minute, depending on that exact variant.

    For movies such as Predator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the miniguns used in those films had to be modified to fire at around 1/3 of their normal rate of fire, because - even with blanks - the recoil force if fired at the normal rate of fire would've knocked the actors down as they used them.


  9. I was up at 4am. I had to take Drew to work and go to work myself. Sorry I am late to the party on here!

  10. allergies kicking my hiney, not up to snuff, but still alive, and procrastinating, definitely!
