Monday, August 20, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

Happy Monday.


  1. Happy Monday!! Today is Mina's introductory day at Kindergarten and her first official day is tomorrow.. it will be earlier days for us around here...

  2. big day for you guys Why Not, can't believe they're growing up so fast!

    Yesterday was really nice, even if I did cause torrential rains again...

    Happy Monday !

  3. I have to say it was a lovely weekend as we got rain. And there is more forecast.
    Have a great day everyone.

  4. It is shopping day. I best set a fire under my behind before those clouds drop some rain. Mary, glad to hear you've gotten a sprinkle here and there, too. Has it cooled off?

  5. I've been hitting the books and cramming for exams, why do I do this to myself. I hope everyone has a P & P day. My moto du jour...If you don't have time to do it right -> when will you have time to do it over.

  6. Well, I was just checking headlines and saw where Phyllis Diller has died at age 95. Remember when she used to be on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson with her long cigarette holder? Yes, I'm showing my age.
    The last time I saw her she was on Larry King talking about how she had "died" during surgery and was brought back to life. He asked if she had gone down a tunnel or seen a big light. She stated no, she just knew she was dead. Which made me think, if you are dead, how do you know it?

  7. Oops - Yes it has KK. In fact the past two mornings it has been in the 60's. I think we are 88 now which isn't too bad.

  8. OMG Mary, do you really want to become the female me? ( that's only if I decide not to go thru with the operation) That is quite the ponderism, let me think about it and get back to you. lol
