Thursday, August 2, 2012

Open Blog - Thursday


Happy Thursday!


  1. well well well.......... I'm first!!

  2. We are supposed to break all time records today with 113. Ugh.
    Have a good day everyone.

  3. Please somebody tell that guy to stop yelling...I'm still hung-over from my bedroom frolics victory... I hope that everyone has a positive and productive day, I know I won'
    If you can't wake up from your nightmare...maybe you're not asleep

  4. KK, share with me, please...having a troublesome day. Everything seems to be messing up.

    Hope you all have a great Thursday and a wonderful weekend.

  5. It is no fun to hog to hog the 5th to yourself. I'll get the glasses any the ice. Sorry your day is messing up, Beejay. This aneroid autocorrect keeps changing messing up to leasing up! WTF?

  6. Android** I swear it has ulterior motives!

  7. Hey, no fair I need in on that 5th...besides, I'm the ruling king of bedroom romps, so there...Boy am I going to milk this one for a week. lol

  8. Boy, really hectic here...hope I can come back and hang out some more soon...but it gets worse before it gets better!

  9. Talk about a bad day: I was notified of a large rent increase, I complained, then I received an eviction notice.

  10. orbs, OMG! If I can do anything, if you need anything, call me!!!

  11. Orbs same here if you need anything let us know!

  12. Orbs, isn't there a law that you can't raise rent by a certain percentage? This sucks.

  13. Can you somehow "mend the fence" with the landlord? You really don't have to leave, do you? Please keep us informed. If we can help, you know we will.

  14. Thank you everyone for your outpouring of concern. I mended fences with the rep today, and he says he should be able to fix it for me to stay. The owner and I have a history and the rep said the owner was all for eviction. (The rep happened to be in the main office when I called and the owner overheard everything.)

    Anyways, he says I'm OK, so I hope so.

    Again, thank you everybody.

  15. Orbs, I'm so glad to hear that.
    I was ready to put together a huge scale irregular protect/picket. not smart to mess with one of ours!
