Thursday, August 30, 2012

Open Blog - Thursday

One day at a time.


  1. I'm number one, a son of a gun.

    Have a nice day.

  2. 3rd for Thursday...time to go be P & P with C & C and no V & L's until the job is complete.

  3. Coming in at #4. Have a good day everyone.

  4. Coming in at #4. Have a good day everyone.

  5. Mary, Mary...doing doubles today? Trying to sneak in for the 5th? You know that the rules and game commissioner ruled that duplicates don't count. Nice try tho. What the heck is that picture thingy you have Mary? Looks like a head of lettuce. lol

  6. Sorry Jed. The picture is from our garden. I was checking the peppers and noticed this in a leaf. It's a little frog or toad. Too cute.

  7. not a good day, losing all faith in humanity, sad sad day... people suck..., we're the only good ones out there!

  8. Sorry you are having a bad day, liz. Mine went okay. Tomorrow is a half day and then off for the 3 day weekend. Kids are back to school on Tuesday. Then the fun will really begin.

  9. au contraire, lizardmom, there still exist millions of our fellow citizens who make the right choices everyday, it always seems darkest just before dawn.

  10. Lizardmom, dealing with the public must be difficult. My hat's off to you - I couldn't do it.

  11. lizardmom...just remember, better living through chemistry...

  12. Indeed, the last time I had a job dealing with the public, I was drinking and drugging. Today, I would just go off on them.

  13. most days nothing fazes me, and little surprises me, but the last 2 days were off the charts.
    The highlights of the chaos - 2 days in a row people have been watched outright stealing from under and inside a storage area in the lobby.
    After the 1st day, we pulled the 'hot' items (cream and sugar that were being taken by the bagfuls...), only to have a guy (different one) do the same but took off with an entire bag of salt packs (BIG bag....). who steals salt packs?? sad pitiful world we live in.
    op costs are a big thing and the one in charge who's been struggling with it talked to the ladies, and they boldly told her they take bagfuls home every day... and seemed surprised it wasn't ok... seriously? I'm not talking about jacking a handful for later use, but whole bags full, scooped out of boxes that were behind closed cabinet doors...
    just a bad day and when I am at a loss for words and can't even speak out of shock of people, you know it's bad

  14. Vent all you need to here or elsewhere. We live in difficult times. People will steal anything that isn't nailed down.
