Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Open Blog - Tuesday

The same goes for my unsweetened friends. 


  1. Thank you, sheriff. I'll take the sweetened version. Viva la dolce vita!

  2. sweet and sour friends, interesting :)

  3. hmm, where is everybody? not the ER... walked right in , tho the time there was like time stood still... no urgency at all.
    Don't worry, I'm still alive, just tried to take off my thumb, they put it back together again with 4 stitches.

  4. 5th...wait, crap 4th. Damn that commissioner. LM, you know how you can tell a good carpenter? Number of missing digits. Glad you're OK. Viva whatever KK said, everyone have a P & P day. 24 hours in a day...24 beers in a case...coincidence?

  5. Liz is slicing and dicing, jed is doing dangerous math, mary is breathing hard... I'm pondering and on the prowl (P&P) for a bedtime games photo. Go out there and have a sweet day, folks! :)

  6. kk, our group has vast talents, we try to not miss anything - we specialize in everything :) even our signs are - 'wait for it' - legendary!
    (ok, hubby watches how i met your mother...)

  7. I was thinking, or should I say pondering & prowling...Why do people who know the least, know it the loudest?

  8. I am artificially sweetened and have zero calories.
