Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday

Have a very good day.


  1. ms froggy started a new job yesterday, and works 10 hours today, I know she's getting all the sleep she can, so I'll take her spot, what are mom's for anyways? :)

  2. OMH, 9:15 and I'm second? Have a great Wednesday everyone. 111 here today so I'm off to walk the dog.

  3. I'm so swamped, it's not even funny. When engineers leave for vacation, they should have their work done. More stuff going on than Bush has got beans.
    I hope that everyone has a great & wonderful day, that's right no P & P, it's now G & W.

    I am going to stand if anyone asks, I'm outstanding. lol

  4. JED, why not go stand in a a bit of grass, then you can be outstanding in your field. Snicker, snicker.

    Okay, I'm fourth....Kay, you gonna get the fifth today? Or maybe SER?

  5. OOhhh, the fifth is available?

    Jed, if you need some help... I know of someone who is currently at leisure. Not so sure what qualifications they need to possess? And of course I'm assuming there would be adequate compensation?

  6. KK...If I can help you with the advancement of electrical engineering and renewable energies, lets go. BTW, you sharing that 5th? That always helps with job advancement. lol

  7. Hey LM, tell Ms Froggy good luck. I wish her the best.

  8. I love this guy.. number 6...I've got to be more like him. Hey #6, you be for real? lol.
