Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday

Will do.


  1. Happy Wednesday all, hoping today is much less eventful at work than yesterday!

  2. Lizardmom...get in there and bust your ass! It will make the day fly by....laugh'in

  3. yes, please no more trips to the ER...
    to those reading this while she's at work, no worries, she just wanted a new thumb piercing shortly into her shift yesterday. She's obviously still alive.
    "I didn't know it was sharp until it was in my thumb."

  4. I took the Wisconsin Teacher Salary and Benefit data from Wisconsin DPI and took out all the extra information, leaving just the School District data with the Hi – Low – Average – Salary along with the Average Fringe Benefit numbers – and you can now view it. Remember that the Fringe is UNTAXED and is not included in the salary. Teachers are CLEARLY NOT paying their fair share.

    All 300+ Wisconsin School Districts are posted – in alphabetical order.

    School Districts A - N

    School Districts N - Y

  5. Here is the salary and fringe benefit data for RUSD Administration. Some people fill more than one position – so all values must be added together to come to a total. RUSD is LOOTING an impoverished Community and is not educating students. If RUSD was educating students, the tax base would be growing and RUSD would be able to increase tax revenue from an expanding tax base. RUSD needs to be abolished – it is a FAILED Corporate institution.
    RUSD Salaries and Benefits:

    It’s time to end the huge UNTAXED benefit packages of underworked RUSD Administrators.

  6. I am off today but a lot of errands to do today also in the middle of errands try to go and see Drew for his lunch or nothing for him to eat for lunch. I hope everyone has a great day!♥

  7. Somebody help me...I'm so confused.
    For some odd reason, I feel like watching a re-run of "Lost in Space"

    I was thinking...Everybody says that "money talks" Well I figured out all mine can say is "good-bye".

    Have a P & P day everyone.

  8. Wednesdays are my normal day off but my boss has meetings today so I am working. I now will have Friday off giving me a 3 day weekend. Yee haw. And then next weekend is Labor Day. Do you believe that, Labor Day already? How time flies.

  9. Jedwis - as long as you are pondering I have to ask. Why is it that some planes "whistle" while there in the air and others don't. Yes I ask that as I was just looking outside and heard a whistling plane.

  10. Whistling planes... hmmm. When was the last time Mary won the 5th? ;>

    All areas of the yard are finally seeded. I have dirt in unnatural places and am in desperate need of a massage! Bring on some rain and some cool temperatures. One week left of freedom for me and the salt mines will be calling. Where did the time go?

  11. I lost my internet again. Forget anything good I said about TWC.
