Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday

I, too, woo-hoo!


  1. Momma said there'd be days like this

  2. the concert was amazing, time to crash into bed, off tomorrow to recoup, good time! and yes, bacon wrapped tater tots are super yummy!

  3. I'm glad you had a good time, lizardmom.

    Those sound delicious. Bacon wrapped anything tastes good. My favorite is bacon wrapped bacon.

  4. she was up much past her bedtime/curfew....

    Cue Jed...

  5. Thank you to KK & Mary for allowing me to be...5th...I am insisting that everyone has a positive and productive day & week. Just remember that the latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world population.

  6. Yes LM...go to your room missy, you took my 5th. Oh wait, where is that damn commissioner... we need a ruling here. Once and for all, we need to clarify the counting procedure, this 5th spot is very important, kind of like winning bedtime games.

  7. I'm late but in my defense, my computer would not go on-line.
    What number am I anyway? Jed?

  8. Jed, I was here, could have stolen your 5th, but waited. I consulted the commissioner for you and duplicates don't count, so when the clock strikes 12, start pouring. :)

  9. Our apartment building keeps experiencing internal power outages. Three times today the power has gone out when I was on the computer. Thank goodness for battery back-ups. I have to post between the outages.
