Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thank You, Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable is my internet service provider.  My past relationship with TWC has not been good.  I know that I've talked trash about them here before.  I considered their technical support a joke, at best.  I loathed contacting them for any reason.

This past Sunday, early in the AM, my internet connection died.  I could see the bottom two lights on the modem trying, but failing, to stay lit.  I went to bed figuring that all would be well when I woke up.

It was not to be.  My internet was still out, but my neighbors had no problems. I reluctantly called TWC.  I had no choice.  To my surprise, some changes have taken place.

First, the person I spoke with asked me when the outage occurred and said my account would be credited for the downtime.  In the past, you had to ask them for credit.

Second, they now have same day service, even on Sunday.  That, to me, is unheard of.  I took the slot of 4 to 5 PM.  At exactly 4, there was a knock on my door.  The technician was a pleasant guy who knew his stuff.  It took him about three minutes to discover the problem, a bad signal splitter (my part).  I was back online quickly and efficiently.  I was pleasantly shocked.

I am very impressed by this interaction with TWC.  I hope that they maintain this caliber of service.  I'll lay off of badmouthing them, at least until they again do something to deserve it.


  1. You can't ask for better service than that. Do you have to pay a service charge because the problem was with your equipment?

    I have cable through them, yes, reluctantly. I've noticed that their service has improved. If there is a reboot or update to software, they always notify you so that you can expect it... and it is usually at 2 or 3 am so it only affects non-sleepers like me.

  2. I don't think there's a service charge.

    I used to go to war with TWC. This is a welcome change.

  3. You have a reputation, orbs. I read the title as sarcastic at first. Had to re-read the thing a couple of times to be sure!

  4. Since I switched over to TWC from TDS Metrocom, not only my rates were cheaper, I've had less service interruptions (inclement weather, grid problems, etc).

  5. hale, I thought of that. Maybe I should have added, "No, really."

    I haven't needed service in a long time (lucky me). The same day service is great because more and more people have become dependent upon the internet.

    This experience went a long way toward addressing some of the issues I've had with TWC. And, in fact, most of those have been with the subcontractors that TWC hires. Those are cowboys.

  6. Orbs, Nice to see a company respond positively. Next, you might like the queen of England ?

  7. What? TWC has a customer service department? You're kidding, right? I thought the number was just there so we can hear people speaking Indian or something...
