Friday, September 14, 2012

2012 Summer was too darn hot


  1. Those are great pictures SER, thanks for sharing.

  2. I love the picture of the horse. Thanks SER. I can relate to these.

  3. My peanut butter was that close to pouring out of the jar.

    I like the dog in the ice, the squirrel and the raccoon......

  4. I really have had the plastic parking tag thingy that hangs from my rear view mirror melt.

  5. I hid out in the air conditioning through the worst of it. I liked the cookies baking on the dashboard.

  6. it was a wicked summer, and they claim winter will be mild, we'll see...

  7. Yum. Can you really bake cookies on the dash? You could regulate the heat by opening or closing the windows.

  8. I understand that your summer was too much and the drought has it's consequences, but I am a little jealous.. we froze our butts off over here.. One thing I find strange though is that through all the rain and mild temperatures we have had very little mosquitoes.. I think I have only gotten 2 bites all summer..

  9. There are fewer mosquitoes and other critters here because of the drought. I'm not sure why you'd have the same, Why Not.

    Now they've found West Niles Disease (carried by skeeters) in a dead bird locally, so even one bite could have terrible consequences.

    The few times I've been out this summer, mosquitoes have been nonexistent.

  10. The yellow jackets (wasps) have been out in late summer and early fall, ruining picnics as usual.

  11. Yeah wasps have been pretty terrible, but they are starting to calm down.. flies are also starting to calm down, guess Fall really is here..

    I've been very puzzled about the mosquitoes... thought they would be terrible this year..

  12. Orbs, I doubt it. You bake cookies at 350 degrees. You could probably make banana chips or other things that require a long time with a low temperature. Meringues, maybe?

  13. Hmm, maybe if we wrapped the interior in foil? How about if we also turn on the engine and leave the interior heat and fan on "High"?
