Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday

I love the wild beauty, but do they have internet?


  1. coming in 3rd, sneezing all the way... too much cleaning and downsizing yesterday, kicked up tons of dust. Today's plan (besides being the busiest 'stuff' day at work - training/evaluating/meeting...), is to drop tons of at Goodwill and do busy-work that only requires sitting still and going thru stuff, no dust today!

  2. I don't need the 5th until tomorrow, I think Mary will take it today. Everyone have a P & P day or if you wish a DDD... (doo dah day) Remember, it's the first 5 days after the weekend that are always the hardest.

  3. Good morning everyone. Jed, you are right again! I'm off to work.

  4. Wow another Wednesday already....gezzzz
