Saturday, September 1, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend

Who, or what, is that?


  1. Happy weekend. Must have used invisilign.

  2. Happy Saturday. Off to walk the dog before it hits 95. We are in a heat wave, sigh.

  3. here's an equation for Jed -
    positive + productive = pooped
    44 cups green beans dealt with and now frozen, stitches out, dishes done, 7 1/2 lbs brats pre-cooked for tomorrow.
    still to go - make taco dip, clean house, set up for company tomorrow, prep work for tomorrow and make a cake if I get human enough to leave the house for lemon juice ahaha, decisions decisions. yup, I'll be crashing early tonite if I get it all done

  4. well, taco dip is made, onions all chopped for cookout, zucchini lemon cake and zucchini bread BOTH made, now for touch up cleaning, last minute rearranging and setting up then collapsing in bed :) yup, P + P = super P

  5. LM, stop by my place and clean it up, too, please.

  6. give me a day or so to recoup :)
    it's amazing how motivating it is to have people coming over... just the bathroom to tidy up and it's bed for me, tomorrow - no P'ing of any kind!
    Where's Jed? I thought he'd like my math :(

  7. Jed usually doesn't do weekends on the JTI.

    I don't have anyone over to my place, so I don't have to clean.
    My neighbor says, "I vacuum my apartment every six months, whether it needs it or not."

  8. Racine Property sales have been posted. Spreads between market value and assessed value continue to grow! The whopper of the week was a commercial property that was sold at a $150,000 loss after being purchased for $350,000 in 2006. The City still lists the property at $350,000 despite the $200,000 sale price.

    The biggest Deal of the week went to the new owner of 1409 Buchanan St, who purchased the property for $9,000 while the City assessed the property at $85,000 for a difference of Neg. $76,000! However, the new owner of 1032 Virginia St. had an even greater spread, purchasing the property assessed at $144,000 for $37,000 for a difference of Neg. $104,00! The spreads between the assessed value and actual market value continue to grow -- will the City's credit rating soon get downgraded? One would certainly think so!

    City of Racine Continues to Gouge Homwowners
