Saturday, September 8, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend

Paint the town red.


  1. Real women will take a pass on this event.

    It is the weekend, as Greta Garbo said in Grand Hotel, "I want to be alone."

  2. it's been a relaxing yet productive day, I think I'm going to become a canning freak, got my new cookbooks and lots of ideas, hopefully I can get us eating better and a little healthier without anybody dying from it (they'll act like I"m trying to kill them if the catch on...)
    lunch of the dump was awesome, it's also the home of many kestrel hawks who are usually somewhat shy during the annual picnics up there. This year, they were all out, soaring and having a blast, they put on an incredible showing for us, and some got rather close, how cool was that!
